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Peggy Yeh

20 Tips for Getting the Best Return from Email Marketing

Email Marketing continues to be an ever-present in a robust, omni-channel digital marketing strategy. Offering high potential return on investment and a low cost marketing tool to speak directly to your existing and prospective customer bases, it is clear why email marketing has not been displaced by emerging digital marketing technologies; rather it has been augmented in is capabilities by such. In this blog post, we will summarize our top 20 tips for successful email marketing campaigns.

1. Personalization Pays Off:

Tailoring your emails to individual preferences and behaviors can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates. Whether it’s customized product recommendations or content aligned with the buyer's journey stage, personalized emails deliver messages that are relevant and compelling, thereby increasing conversion chances.

2. Strategic Segmentation:

Divide your email list strategically based on demographics, behaviors, or preferences to send more targeted and relevant content. In order to achieve relevant segmentation of your email lists, you should have a strong understanding of the mechanisms used to attain the person's email address. Existing customers will be one category, potentially segmented by product/service purchased and time since purchase. Learn more about retargeting audiences in marketing.

With prospective customers, depending on the scale of your operation, you may have several demand generation avenues that are acquiring email addresses. The content of each email campaign must be relevant to the segment of audience being targeted. By catering to unique segments, you ensure that your emails resonate better with each group, which often leads to increased engagement and conversion rates - learn more about increasing your conversion rate from marketing efforts.

3. Compelling Email Copy:

Craft concise and impactful email copy that captures attention, communicates value, and encourages action. Starting with a strong opening line and seamless transition through a value-packed body to a clear call-to-action, email copy must be concise, scannable, and striking enough to hold attention throughout the message. Learn more about creating engaging email copy here.

4. A/B Testing Insights:

Don't guess what works; A/B test different elements of your email to see what resonates most with your audience. You can experiment with variations of subject lines, email layouts, images, and even send times. Rely on the data gathered from these tests to refine your campaigns and optimize your outcomes.

5. Mobile Optimization is a Must:

With an increasing number of emails being accessed on mobile devices, mobile-optimize all email campaigns. Ensure that your emails render well on a variety of screens and that calls-to-action are easy to locate and click on, regardless of device. Review our effective strategy recommendations for mobile-optimized email marketing.

6. Automation Efficiency:

Implement automated workflows to streamline your marketing efforts, saving time and delivering timely and relevant content. For example, welcome emails, post-purchase sequences, birthday promotions, and lead-nurturing sequences can all be automated to ensure timely and relevant messaging without requiring constant input. This efficiency frees up time to craft even more strategic campaigns.

7. Focus on Deliverability:

Maintain a healthy sender reputation and use best practices to maximize email deliverability and avoid spam filters. Take steps to ensure high deliverability by regularly cleansing your list, avoiding trigger words that land emails in spam folders, and maintaining compliance with regulations like GDPR or CAN-SPAM. Learn more about email security in this blog.

8. Building a Quality Email List:

Prioritize quality over quantity when building your email list to enhance engagement and minimize the risk of spam complaints. The foundation of successful email marketing is a quality email list built with permission-based sign-ups. Avoid purchasing lists at all costs, as these recipients didn't opt-in to your communications and are likely to mark your emails as spam, damaging your sender reputation. Read Our Guide for Increasing Your Email List Subscribers.

9. Stay Current with Trends:

Keep an eye on emerging trends and technologies in email marketing to stay ahead of the curve and adapt your strategies accordingly. Reputable resources such as SearchEngineLand, MarketingLand, Ahrefs, Neil Patel, Hubspot, Hootsuite, and others offer updates on current trends relating to email marketing and the broader digital marketing landscape.

10. Data-Driven Decision Making:

Leverage email marketing platform analytics and website analytics to track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, post-click customer journeys, and conversion rates to make informed decisions and continually improve your campaigns. For example, you might notice a specific email campaign is getting a strong click-through rate from the email marketing platform but low page conversions in Google Analytics. This would inform you that the email content is strong but the website landing page is not facilitating that intent converting to, for instance, a web lead. Review and optimize the landing page and measure the impact on the next email marketing campaign. Keep in mind that learnings attained here may be applicable throughout other landing pages on your website.

11. Customer-Centric Approach:

Put your audience first by understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points, and tailor your email content accordingly. View every email as a touchpoint in the broader customer experience. Instead of bombarding your audience with sales pitches, provide value through informative content, special incentives, and insider news that enriches their interaction with your brand.

12. Engaging Subject Lines:

Craft attention-grabbing subject lines that entice recipients to open your emails and explore the content. Here are some tips for crafting engaging subject lines:

  • Keep it short and sweet, around 40 characters or less.

  • Use action-oriented language to motivate readers.

  • Avoid spam trigger words like "free" or "limited time offer."

  • Create a sense of urgency with phrases like "limited time only" or "last chance."

  • Experiment with emojis.

13. Subscriber Retention Strategies:

Email marketing strategy is similar to customer retention in general as it is not only about attracting new subscribers but also keeping them. Implement retention strategies such as re-engagement campaigns for inactive users, feedback surveys, and loyalty rewards. Remember, retaining an existing subscriber is often more cost-effective than acquiring a new one.

14. Responsive Design Matters:

In line with mobile optimization, a responsive design ensures that your email looks and functions perfectly across any device. With diverse screen sizes and email clients, a responsive design adjusts your email's layout dynamically, providing a seamless reading experience, across desktop, mobile, and tablet platforms.

Achieving responsive design for your email campaigns can be simplified with the following tips:

  1. Use Fluid Layouts: Fluid layouts allow your email content to automatically adjust to the screen size of the device it's being viewed on. This is a fundamental aspect of responsive design that can help ensure your emails look great on any device.

  2. Employ Scalable Images: Images that don't scale with the screen size can lead to awkward formatting issues. Use CSS commands to make your images adjustable to the screen dimensions.

  3. Break Up Your Text: Consider the readability of your content on smaller screens. Break up text-heavy sections into smaller chunks to prevent them from becoming overwhelming on mobile devices.

  4. Test Across Multiple Platforms: Always test your email on different devices and email clients before sending it out to your subscribers. This will help you identify and fix any issues for a seamless user experience no matter what device is used.

15. Strategic Call-to-Action (CTA):

Place clear and compelling CTAs strategically in your emails to guide recipients toward the desired action. Direct users exactly where you want them to go next, whether it's to make a purchase, learn more about a product, or sign up for an event. A strategic call-to-action should be action-oriented (e.g. use strong action verbs like "Sign Up Now for A Free Consultation"), create a sense of urgency (e.g. "Limited Time Offer - Get Yours Today"), ensure visibility (i.e. ensure it stands out in the email, leveraging more CTAs for longer form content), keep it simple so it is easily understandable, and of course, test and optimize continuously!

16. Monitor and Adapt to Analytics:

Regularly monitor email analytics to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, adapting your strategy based on data insights. Remember, all of your digital marketing efforts are interconnected and analytical learnings in other areas can influence your email marketing. For example, if you are running multiple static images in relation to a promotion on Meta Ads, and there is a clear image attaining the best click-through-rate, then leverage that image as part of your email content in relation to the promotion.

17. Integrate Social Media:

Extend the reach of your email content by integrating it with your social media platforms. Encourage sharing, connect content themes across channels, and drive traffic from social media back to your email signup page, creating a cohesive digital marketing ecosystem. Discover details on user-generated content campaigns for your email marketing.

18. Customer Journey Mapping:

Understand and map out your customer's journey to create targeted email content that aligns with their stage in the buying process seamlessly. From discovery through consideration to purchase, consider what information or incentives they might need at each touchpoint and how email can deliver those.

19. Regularly Update and Cleanse Lists:

Regularly updating and cleansing your email list not only assists with deliverability but also ensures your campaigns are targeting engaged, relevant audiences. It's about quality, not quantity; a leaner, more engaged email list will produce a better return than a larger, disinterested audience.

20. Consistent Branding:

Your emails should be unmistakably yours. Use consistent branding across all email marketing materials to enhance brand recognition and trust. This includes not only visual elements like logos and color schemes but also the tone of voice and overall messaging.

By deploying these 20 strategic tips, businesses can create dynamic, effective email marketing campaigns that genuinely resonate with recipients. Remember that the core of all these strategies is understanding and serving your subscribers; knowing their preferences, behaviors, and needs will set you apart from the competition and earn your email campaigns the coveted attention they deserve.

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